Remembering Activism: The Cultural Memory of Protest in Europe


16 January 2020
18:00 - 21:00
Lange Nieuwstraat 7, Utrecht

Ann Rigney presents at Taferelen #31 – Media Making Memory

During this evening, we will explore how media constructs through photographic images the representation of protest. Guests are artist Florian Göttke and researcher Ann Rigney.

Taferelen arose from the desire to create a ‘cross-fertilisation’ between the work of image makers and other research areas. People across different disciplines often share research interests and thus could provide each other, as well as others, with new perspectives on the same subjects. While the guests are eating, two speakers – artists, scientists or experts – talk about their work, linked to the theme of the current FOTODOK exhibition. Every evening an artist and a theorist are placed next to each other, to offer their perspectives on the chosen theme.